Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lipkin Troll

I shot my misc. unedited Lipkin roll at the same time as I did my bracketing and metering assignments, trolling all around my house and neighborhood, experimenting with my new 60mm macro lens. I ended up with so many exposures that I HAD to edit some out, just to keep it down to one contact sheet with photos you could actually see.

And still there were discarded images that I really liked and wanted to include. So I chose three of them to post here. I couldn't really put them in the Lipkin Roll sheet with integrity, since they are each one from a series (I went a little crazy with the bracketing), but I had some kind of trouble with each group and couldn't include them in that assignment either.

This is my favorite: it's a blown glass vase my step-son made for me. I think it's beautiful and tried to use it for one of my metering subjects, but it was too tricky for me. Maybe my spot light wasn't focused enough... but I kept falling off the light spectrum and couldn't meter it in one end or the other of the final shadow & highlight frames, no matter what I did. I finally gave up, but there were several images in the spectrum I really liked & I think they stand on their own.

Here's another image I shot a whole series of - a blond wooden armchair in my front room in front of a big light-filled window with sheer curtains. I bracketed this baby all over the place, but it wasn't really white so I didn't think I could include it on the bracketing contact sheet.

This one was tricky too and I couldn't really get a proper series out of it, but I liked all the light and vertical lines, and this was one of my favorite exposures.

Finally, here's the stone Buddha that lives in the corner of our living room, next to the TV. He's wearing a feather lei I got a couple of years ago now when my love-monkey was away in Hawaii during my birthday. There is a bit of curtain behind him on the left that seems to work with the feathers, and make it seem like he's wearing a tam-o-shanter or something. I know, I'm weird.

This Lipkin Roll assignment was deceptively hard for me to do correctly. I tend to take a lot of shots of each image, and as I mentioned before I had tons of them and just couldn't stop myself from choosing the 32 I liked best for the final contact sheet. I didn't do any adjustments on them, so at least that part of the 'unedited' instruction was followed, but maybe I should have done some compositing or fancy PhotoShop work to emphasize Lipkin's Rule Digitalia bias ...

I'm glad I had the chance to include these extra shots in this blog post...

1 comment:

jlovell@dvc.edu said...

I love love love your vase set up. The background material is lovely. I also like the clarity and texture of the Buddah shot. Very nice job - images and blog entry!