Friday, March 30, 2007

Joyce Tenneson

My bookshelves are like the proverbial loaves and fishes, in that no matter how many times I go through them and cull out everything I don’t HAVE to own, they produce boxes and boxes that need to be sold or donated to make room for the new ones I am continually acquiring.

I sold my last culls and got away with only buying 2 new (used) ones in exchange. One of these was Flower Portraits: the Life Cycle of Beauty, by the photographer Joyce Tenneson.

Tenneson had just finished a book of photographs on women in the third phase of their lives, and had become fascinated by the unexpected beauty she saw in these older women. Since flowers were one of her photographic muses, in her next book she started photographing them throughout their life cycle too. What she found amazed her; in her own words “I saw wisdom and beauty with new eyes”.

As a budding photographer (and aging woman) I love these expansive images, unfolding expressions of an innate beauty that transforms but doesn't diminish or fade, even as it loses life and returns to dust. What a concept - the beauty of dust!

1 comment:

Daryl Darko said...

This sounds like an amazing book. I'll look for a copy for my mom. Great review Amy!