Monday, May 14, 2007

Final Project

This last project was the hardest one for me - I wonder if it's because I didn't want this class to end.

None of the earlier proposals I had in mind worked out, and to complicate matters in the middle of the project I went to Dresden to live blog an event one of the groups I'm working with produced. I met an amazing photographer there, Ulrich Soeder, but that's another story (I'll tell it here later, though - he really is amazing). I was so busy I barely left the hotel, so most of the photographs I took that week were from a train window, plus the one evening I spent with Ulrich and his wife Sabina, who is a light architect (I know! Doesn't that sound like the coolest job ever?).

So when I sat down to work, I had in mind to do an image with four images from the 'view from the train' series, but as I started to work with the options I began to experiment and came up with something entirely different; I call it a 'Fliptych'. :-)

This one, 'Staircase: Dresden, 2007', is made from two shots of the gorgeous circular staircase in the Soeder's apartment building:
I made two sets of images taken from the train window; the first is called 'Graffiti River', and the second is 'River Tracks':

And this last Fliptych is from the Soeder's apartment again; this one is called 'DeckChairs':

I printed them out, landscape, on 13"x19" watercolor paper, on my new Epson printer (Stylus Photo R1800) which made them look very muted and painterly. This actually worked pretty well for these particular subjects, but I'm not sure I would use that paper for anything I wanted to have more detail. I framed them too, just to get that 'finished' effect.

Here are some of the other photographs I've taken in the last few weeks, which I printed out to turn in as loose images. Most of them were printed on matte presentation paper, but a few seemed too fuzzy on that paper so I printed those on semi-gloss.

I call the collection 'Spring, 2007':

This class has been wonderful; I'm finally stepping into a mature understanding & acceptance of myself as an artist, and feel so blessed to have found this new form of expression to incorporate into my work.

Perhaps just as importantly, I've made some great friends through this class who I hope I will continue to know and grow with for a long long time.

Thanks so much, Jesse!

1 comment: said...

Amy you really have grown so much as an artist and seem to have learned a great deal tehcnically through this semester, which by the way went by way too quickly! This project is very interesting given you were sort of working on the fly. I like the images individually and as "fliptychs" but the color pallets still feel unresolved to me. Fantastic job choosing a paper to print on. It works quite well with this project.